Heritage website: Cape-Town-Heritage.co.za
Media type: Extensive database and tourist guide on heritage and other sites of interest in the Cape Peninsula. (featured on CNN)
Average number of readers / visitors per month: 1 400+
Placement type: In-page below the line, above the line and below the line
Creative format: *Text, Image, Video, Rich Media
Ad size: Large screen: 728×90, 300×250 Mobile: Adapts the 300×250 to screen size
Rates per month:
Starter pack: An ad in rotation in ad space. A minimum of 1 000 impressions apply. (R100)
Text: At the bottom of a page for one year. (R100 – R300)
Text, Home page: Text above main map for 365 days. (R1 200)
* Font size may not be larger than the paragraph text of the page on which the text appear. The nofollow attribute must be applied to text.
Please contact quintus @ qvrp.net .